Calling Aspiring Tech Leaders: Apply Now for the Ghana School on Internet Governance Fellowship 2024!

The opportunity you’ve been waiting for is here! Applications are now open for the prestigious Ghana School on Internet Governance (GhanaSIG) Fellowship for 2024.

Are you passionate about shaping the future of the internet in Africa? Do you dream of becoming a leader in the field of internet governance? If so, this fellowship is for you!

The GhanaSIG Fellowship

Provides intensive training on critical internet governance issues, equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to make a difference.
Connects fellows with a diverse network of experts and peers, fostering collaboration and mentorship.
Offers a platform to contribute to meaningful discussions and policy development around internet governance in Africa.

Open to individuals from Ghana and other African countries with a demonstrated interest in internet governance.
Applicants should possess a strong academic background and relevant professional experience.
Leadership qualities and a commitment to contributing to Africa’s digital future are essential.
Don’t miss this chance to:


  • Deepen your understanding of internet governance
  • Develop your leadership skills and network with key stakeholders.
  • Contribute to shaping the future of the internet in Africa.


The application deadline is March 15th 2024. Visit the GhanaSIG website to learn more and apply:

Spread the word! Share this news with your friends and colleagues who might be interested in this incredible opportunity.

Together, let’s build a better internet for Africa!

GhanaSIG #InternetGovernance #Fellowship #Africa #ApplyNow