National Pre Tech training Program @ Soronko Academy

Hello we are counting down to the end of applications for the
National Pre Tech training Program.

Did you know that Ghana has the highest mobile penetration in West Africa and already outperforms many of its regional peers? By the end of 2019, mobile adoption stood at 55%, higher than the regional average which is at 44.8%. This means a huge number of people can be served through digital services, positively impacting the growth of the digital economy.

This is an opportunity right there!!!! Are you a young woman aged 18-35years, unemployed living in Ahafo, Ashanti, Bono, Bono East, Central, Eastern, Greater Accra, North East, Northern, Oti, Savannah, Upper East, Upper West, Volta, Western, and Western North Region then you must register to learn mobile app development for FREE!!

Skilled trainers from partner hubs will break down the content and make it easy to learn. After you will get the opportunity to learn more in the base program with Ghana Tech Lab, internships, jobs or maybe build the biggest mobile app in the world.

Ladies no matter what you do, learning to build a mobile app is an essential skill in today’s digital world. Don’t miss this opportunity.

Applications close tomorrow. Tell everyone!!!!! Apply here

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