Woods Hole Summer Student Fellowship Fully Funded

The application for Summer 2025 is now open! Apply by February 5, 2025.
Potential research projects for 2025 are posted here.

A research project is at the heart of the Summer Student Fellowship program. All Fellows work on a project selected in collaboration with their sponsor(s) that will provide meaningful results in one summer’s work. Project topics span the vast spectrum of research in ocean sciences and engineering conducted in WHOI’s science departments and the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center of the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS).

Fellowship recipients have the opportunity to attend and participate in a busy schedule of talks, seminars and a hands-on, one-day ocean sampling cruise onboard the R/V Tioga focusing on data collection and sampling methods with advanced oceanographic technology and instruments.

Fellows also have many occasions to interact with current MIT-WHOI Joint Program graduate students, from the Q&A session designed specifically for that purpose to the Ethics in Science Workshop and a near-peer mentoring program.

Members of groups underrepresented in ocean science and engineering are encouraged to apply.

More information
» Program Overview
» Admissions

Applications are accepted each year starting in early December through February 5.

Here is what some past fellows had to say:

“This experience has given me invaluable insights into the broad spectrum of WHOI projects and activities ranging from fundamental oceanography principles to harmful algal blooms and autonomous vehicles. The WHOI SSF has truly laid the foundation for my scientific career. Thank you!” SSF ’10

“I really appreciated the Summer Lecture Series–I think that one of the best parts of the SSF program is that you become exposed to all different areas of Oceanography, and the lecture series was one of the primary methods for doing so! I feel like I learned so much, and it really broadened my horizons.” SSF ’11

“I have never been more satisfied with my advisors. I owe all my summer knowledge to them. They have inspired me to pursue the field of oceanography.” SSF ’11

“…a day out on the water is always a good day.” SSF ’11